Meet a CURE Kid

Meet Edward

After his neuroblastoma diagnosis, Edward began countless rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, endured nine surgeries, battled through two bone marrow transplants and entered clinical trials. Even with those extensive treatments and their awful side effects, residual cancer remained. At that time, Edward was enrolled in CURE’s Precision Medicine Program where a sample of his tumor was sent for analysis. Genetic testing revealed that his cancer had a specific mutation that has a drug proven to work against it. This drug finally put Edward into remission.

“If it weren’t for the use of precision medicine, I am confident that Edward would not be with us today!”
– Edward’s father, Andrew
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Meet Morgan

Four-year-old Morgan was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in 2018. She went through a very difficult treatment and reached remission. But the treatment designed to save her caused her heart to be enlarged and she passed away later that year. Her grieving parents have attended CURE’s Hope and Healing bereavement retreat several times and have been comforted to spend time with other parents who understand such significant loss.

“CURE has been by our side from the beginning! They are a constant support system that cancer families can rely on.”
– Morgan’s mother, Ciera

Meet Paul

Paul was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma at six years old. Months of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation left a toll on his little body. It also caused emotional scars that worried his parents. He became stoic and tried to manage his emotions alone so no one would worry. They turned to CURE’s Counseling Program. Paul now works with a therapist who has helped him unlock his feelings about his cancer experience and learn how to express his emotions. But Paul wasn’t the only one who needed support.

“I feel like we woke up after treatment ended and had to deal with a great many issues we had buried while we focused on getting Paul better. I’m glad we aren’t alone.”
– Paul’s mother, Charlotte Marie
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